The ankle is one of the most overlooked and underrated body parts in golf. It plays a vital role on how we can utilize the ground as well as its impact on swing mechanics. In a normal back swing, a player will load the majority of their pressure on the inside of their trail foot while keeping the rest of the lower extremity stable. Those with history of ankle sprains in the trail leg may have limitations with ankle eversion. This can affect their ability to push off the trail leg and change the timing and the speed of which they transition to lead side. A trend we see in elite golfers is that they have pressure on their lead side earlier in the downswing, most notably at shaft vertical on the downswing. This is an important characteristic of golfers who are most effective at using the ground to generate club head speed.
Dorsiflexion limitations (toes to head) are also a key element to how the golf swing is affected. This limitation carries over to an early extension in the downswing
The knees tend to be a more stable joint than the ankle, but previous injuries to the knees can decrease quad strength and stability. This can be brought on by past ACL tears, meniscus tears, and chronic issues such as osteoarthritis. This can ultimately effect weight transfer to the lead leg during a swing causing a decrease in club head speed.
Hip rotation directly affects the golfers ability to load weight on one side. When golfers can not rotate well around their hip, they may demonstrate various swing characteristics such as a sway and slide, reverse spine angle, early extension, among others. When hip injuries/limitations are present they tend to have glute strength reductions as well. Decreased glute strength can directly affect the swing because it will not allow the golfer to add the appropriate weight to one side, causing compensatory movement patterns.
Article Reference: mytpi.com
So now that you have some knowledge of the limitations that may be affecting your golf game, what do you do about it? Max Madrid, LPTA is hosting a free workshop for golfers who have these limitations. He will show you simple ways to relieve pain, correct balance issues, and loosen tight muscles/joints. Visit our Facebook Page or our Website to RSVP for this event.