Physical Therapy Connections, P.C. attended PCC's Fitness Fair on September 13, 2017.
We were able to raise awareness on how to perform the perfect overhead, deep squat, and why it is a good test to determine areas of weakness in your body. Chad Clark, PT and Stephanie Nolting, DPT also educated the community on the importance of Massage Therapy offered by Michael Coffee, LMT at PT Connections, and how to prevent low back pain. Even though Stephanie was one day prior to having a baby at the PCC Fitness Fair, she was still able to demonstrate to the students how to get low in their squat! Education is key to understanding where the root of your pain is coming from, so we love taking opportunities such as the PCC Fitness Fair to educate as many people as we can the importance of Physical Therapy!
For more information on future events that we will be attending, like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube! Also, be sure to visit our website for tons of articles and sources that you can use to educate yourself on your pain.
Also, We would like to congratulate the winner of the free half hour massage that was drawn at this event: Cheyenne Moran! Congratulations from all of us at PTC!
Tent at the PCC Fitness Fair

PCC Staff and Police Officer doing their Perfect Squat Test