
Email Newsletter - Shoulder, Arm or Hand Tingling?

Physical Therapy Connections | Sports Performance & Rehab

Specializing in rapid relief from pain, injury and weakness. 

May the best man/woman win!

Easter "Egg" Hunt

From March 31, 2018 - April 6, 2018 PT-Connections will be having an online Easter "egg" hunt.  Listed below are the clues that you will need to scour our Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube page to find the hidden...."eggs". Be the first one to turn in the answers and you will win a free Real Appeal Blender, a 1/2 hour massage and some other goodies! Good Luck!


We are staying up to date on the best treatment programs for our members and are here to get to the root of your pain. Events in April and May will be covered below. Don't forget to visit and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube! 

Tingling In The Upper Extremity


Why is my shoulder, arm, or hand tingling? What do I do about it?

There are many reasons why you might be getting numbness or tingling sensations in your arm. You have nerves that exit from your cervical spine (neck) and travel the entire length of your arm. At any point along that nerve, you might experience compression of your nerves. The following is a list of possible reasons or structures that could be causing numbness or tingling:

cervical radiculopathy (nerve compression at your cervical spine), thoracic outlet syndrome (compression at your pectoralis minor muscle, scalene muscles, compression between your first rib and collar bone, compression from a tight anterior capsule of your shoulder), cubital tunnel syndrome (compression of the nerve at your elbow), carpal tunnel syndrome (compression at your wrist), and from trigger points of certain rotator cuff muscles.

Today, I will go over one quick self-treatment that works great and provides relief fast! Keep in mind, this may not work for everyone since the list of possible causes of numbness is so vast.

Who is most likely to benefit from this treatment?

- If you have difficulty reach behind your back

- If you have tenderness while pushing on the back side of your shoulder blade.

- If you don’t have atrophy/weakness, and your nerve reflexes are normal.

- If you can rule out any of the other conditions listed above.

Pressure Point/Trigger Point Release Technique

As far as equipment goes, all you need is a lacrosse ball or tennis ball to help perform the massage technique. What you want to do is place the ball on the back side of your shoulder blade and gently squish it between you and your body.

Part 1: In the first part of this technique, look for a sore or tender spot. Many people refer to this as a knot. Find the worst or most painful knot.

Part 2: Gently massage the knot by leaning against the ball and into the wall. I want to emphasize that this should be performed gently. Move the ball in a crisscross pattern directly on top of the sore spot. Do this for 1-2 minutes.

Part 3: Stop massaging, but maintain a constant and gentle pressure over the sore knot. As the pain and tingling start to subside, gradually add a little more pressure. Repeat this process until you get your desired result.

If you have questions, or if this technique didn’t work for you, please give us a call or come to Michael Flores' upcoming workshop in May so we can help find the root cause of your problem and get you back to what you enjoy doing.

Thank you!


Thank you for those of you who were able to make it out to Chad's Workshop on 3/27/2018 on Solving Pain, Injury and Weakness. 


Here's what some of you had to say about the workshop:

"Very informative. If you are considering coming here, it may help you and motivate you to get better and live without pain." - R.R.

"I liked the demonstrations and Chad's ability to adapt to participants' needs." - J.P.

"Good to know that they offer private pay too. I can't stand my insurance." -anonymous

If you would like us to come speak at an event for you, please contact us at 719-565-6678 or email Adrian Gomez at adrian@pt-connections.com

Upcoming events


Free Workshop on Shoulder Pain

Every First Thursday of the Month (starting May 3,2018)

From 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (limit 5 people per workshop)

At Physical Therapy Connections, P.C. with Michael Flores, DPT


rk  Active Recovery Workshop

April 10th, 2018

5:30 am – 6:30 am

at Physical Therapy Connections

Speaker: Rachel Kutskill – Fit Instincts Wellness Coordinator


golfFree Workshop For Those With Pain While Golfing

Thursday, April 19, 2018

From 4:00 – 5:00 pm

At Elmwood Golf Course Restaurant with Max Madrid, LPTA


Let us know how we're doing!

Help us get the word out! 


  Leave a review on Google for Physical Therapy Connections, P.C. and get entered in to win a free 1/2 hour massage. Let us know how we're doing and what you enjoyed most about your time with us. Click HERE to leave your review.


To see more pictures, follow us on our Facebook page, Twitter account or Instagram (Share this with as many people as you want).

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What we're up to

Rawlings   R2


Chad Clark has been giving presentations in Pueblo on the importance of injury prevention and how to detect future injuries.  Here he is featured at one of the Rawlings Library.   Topics such as preventing pain, injury and weakness were discussed with demonstrations and handouts.  We had a lot of fun and always look forward to reaching out to our community!

Injury prevention ties into your overall health. Many people are able to function and get by in their daily activities but have a risk of fall, re-injury or have chronic pain…that’s where we come in!

Schedule your evaluation today to see how you can get back to doing the things that you love!



Sam squared (Samantha Brown and Samantha Goeke) are 3 months into their journey to becoming certified yoga instructors. Keep an eye out for yoga workshops and free events in the upcoming months! 

We are offering New Massage Members a 20% discount during the month of April. Only $59 for an hour massage! 

As always, thank you for all of your continued support and awesome feedback! We appreciate each and every one of you.

Want to know why we love working at PT-Connections so much? Click here to see some of our patient testimonials.


Wellness and Injury Prevention

Learn the lifelong tools to have better balance! Make new friends and live long, and healthy.   

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am. 


First visit is FREE for current paitients!



Samantha Goeke
Physical Therapy Connections, P.C.
This email was sent by sam@pt-connections.com
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Physical Therapy Connections, P.C. 58 Glenroyal Pueblo CO 81005 Phone: 719-565-6678